Eli’s Baby Photos – Calgary Baby Photographer

I have a huge soft spot for babes with gorgeous hair (and eyelashes!), and sweet little Eli did not disappoint! He was also such an amazing little guy who just melted into each pose like butter! Baby fever was at an all-time high with this baby boy, and I was so thrilled that I was able to take these precious photos of him!

A baby in a bucket is one of my favourite poses, and the parents also seem to swoon over this one, too. I have dozens of bucket designs to match everyone’s style!

Calgary baby boy in stars and moon bucket
Calgary baby boy in green bucket with hat

And how sweet is this baby boy just lounging in this bed, snuggling up with his teddy? Oh my ovaries!

Baby boy laying in bed cuddling with teddy bear

Green was definitely this little guy’s colour.

Cochrane Baby boy laying on green blanket

Aaaaaand, last but not least, this photo was absolutely loved by all. How much fun is this?!

Calgary black and white baby boy with moustache

Are you expecting a new arrival in Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane or Canmore? Reach out and we can chat about your custom newborn baby photo session!

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