Morris Family – Calgary Family Photographer

Family photos are some of my favourites, and although I only photograph families seasonally, I feel like every family needs to document their growing family – the good, the bad & the ugly!

There was no ugly going on here for the Morris’ mini session. This adorable little family rocked their photos in a short 15 minutes (which is definitely the perfect amount of time to entertain your littles). When they arrived, they mentioned that it was over an hour past their son’s bedtime. When my first babe was under a year, I was crazy about her sleep, and I scheduled my life around her sleep schedule (maybe I’ll be a little more relaxed when the second baby arrives?!), because my daughter would be an absolute terror. But little Bronzie did amazingly well – you couldn’t even tell that he was (maybe) a little tired. And with the adorable photos that this family received, I guess it is okay to sometimes let your little one miss their bedtime!

Calgary has such gorgeous fall tones (minus the red!), and I’m thankful that these families were able to participate in my annual family mini sessions before the snow flies!

Calgary Family Fall Photos standing family of three
Calgary Family Fall Photos sitting family of three
Calgary Family Fall Photos baby boy outside
Calgary Family Fall Photos mom and baby boy
Calgary Family Fall Photos standing dad and baby boy
Calgary Family Fall Photos sitting outside mom and baby boy
Calgary Family Fall Photos outside smiling baby boy
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